Group Retro Program
Over half of AGC of Washington’s Group Retro members netted L&I premium refunds of over 50% — and our top performers have averaged 51% over the years.

Workers' Compensation Group Retro Office
P.O. Box 14309
Tumwater, WA 98511
Phone: 360.352.1632
Toll Free: 888.227.3876
Fax: 360.352.2940
Toll Free Fax: 888.737.3876
AGC Group RETRO Program
AGC Group Retro is a retrospective premium-rating program. These are safety incentive-based programs, approved by the Department of Labor and Industries (L&I), that provide employers with an opportunity to receive a substantial refund of their industrial-insurance premiums.
With features that include hands-on claims-management assistance, one-of-a-kind return-to-work services, stringent underwriting criteria requiring Safety Team® and more, AGC group retro is the state's best-value workers'-comp program, with
- average individual top-performer refunds of 51% over the last 20 years
- the lowest administrative costs among workers’-comp retrospective rating programs at approximately 5% of the refund, and
- an industry-best 99% member-retention rate.
Wonder how your company would have performed as a member of AGC Group Retro?
Then click here and complete the form to receive your confidential and free analysis. Fax it toll-free to 888.737.3876, or scan and email to Lauren Gubbe.